yamaha r15 v4


  1. S Chandra Sekhar says:

    Launch date of r15 v4

  2. Hello sir
    I’m waiting in R15 version 4 plz do fast launch this bike plzzz it’s hambel request

    1. Saif Chaudhary says:

      Don’t worry it’s coming soon

  3. Sanjeeb R says:

    I m very excite to see this super king,in INDIA market as soon as…. So plz do possible….?

  4. V4 launch date plzz
    I am waiting

  5. Abdul Nasser Gutierrez Diwa says:

    Waiting from PINAS🇵🇭

  6. What will be the performance of v4 batter then v3?

  7. Yes I need as soon as possible to taking this v4 we need

  8. 25th July 2021

    1. Rs15,V4 launch date plzz Tell me
      I am waiting

  9. Hello sir I’m waiting in R15 version 4 plz do fast launch this bike plzzz it’s hambel request

  10. Akesh panchal says:

    i love r15 and 4 i was waiting from short day I am very excited

  11. Tell me time when u r going to launch R15 v4 I’m waiting for v4

  12. I wish i could buy it..

  13. MD UNUS ALI says:


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